Sunday, May 22, 2016

Accelerated Mobile Pages aka AMP

Back in September 2015, the first official specs for the Accelerated Mobile Pages project were launched. The goal of the project is to provide a mechanism that facilitates faster delivery and rendering of content served over mobile web pages. Google is backing this project and when combined with Progressive Web Apps project it can help publishers of content as well as mobile site owners to reduce current high bounce rates attributed to a variety of performance and page load concerns. Google is also allowing free use of Google AMP Cache and has stated that "it will provide a cache that can be used by anyone at no cost, and all AMPs will be cached by Google’s cache". You can easily create your own AMP pages. Discovery of AMP pages by Google and other search engines is easily handled by the <link> tag with "amprel". AMP also provides for creating responsive page by simply appending "layout=responsive" to the AMP Html tags. Check it out at the following links

Google AMP Project

Google AMP Cache

Responsibilities Of A Leader

Someone asked me about 3 key responsibilities of a leader, #ResponsibilitiesOfALeader    1) Be available to your team. Give priority to your...