Monday, May 25, 2020

Covid-19 & Instructional Learning

COVID-19 has essentially accelerated digital & video adoption of instructional training, physical education and classroom based learning. In addition to schools & classrooms going virtual, professional training, after school programs, sports training, yoga classes , cooking classes and many more have quickly pivoted to relying on digital means of imparting knowledge & training. 

I foresee these to be the norm going forward with digital learning and virtual education adoption transcending beyond our imagination and well beyond the current physical border limitations. Yogi's in India teaching virtually to their audiences across the world for a nominal fee, Italian Chefs sharing their secrets and recipes across the globe but most importantly the traditional university learning experience may completely switch to teaching through digital modes only within the next 12-18 months. This will also allow institutions to reduce their facilities and infrastructure maintenance cost while independent coaches or instructors can now quickly launch their offerings online without having a need for physical locations/setup. This shall soon give rise to extremely cost effective learning options for future students.

Responsibilities Of A Leader

Someone asked me about 3 key responsibilities of a leader, #ResponsibilitiesOfALeader    1) Be available to your team. Give priority to your...